Tammy's Creative Connection Blog

Here is a link to see my creative side. http://tammyscreativeconnection.blogspot.com/

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Company Girls

I just joined this new blog site called Home Sanctuary. I found it through another blog. Her blog is about doing one small thing each day to create a sanctuary in your home. That is exactly what I want my home to be a sanctuary. Doesn't that sound nice and comforting. When I listened to her video, I thought my goodness this women is me. I get overwhelmed with my to do list, cleaning, or providing a nice home for my family. I think my ADD has a big part in that. I find myself running around not getting much accomplished. I go from room to room thinking "oh, I found this glass in the living room, then I take it to the kitchen, and find a bunch of mail, that I take to the office, there I find a hair band, that I take to the bathroom, then I find some laundry, take to laundry, then find I still have a load of clothes in the washer, that I don't know how long has been there, start the load over again, find I have to take the hanger clothes upstairs to put closet find, that I have way too many clothes, try to purge some things in my closet, but need a box to put them in, go to the garage, find that I forgot to feed the dogs and so goes my day...over and over again." Crazy, but this is true. So, when I ran across this Home Sanctuary Blog, I thought I can do one small thing and eventually the small things will start to add up. I will let you all know how it goes...LOL

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Oh my goodness. That sounds like me too!! What is her link!?!?