Tammy's Creative Connection Blog

Here is a link to see my creative side. http://tammyscreativeconnection.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Get Real Monday.

Today I got to spend the morning with Amy Black and her precious 5 yo daughter Ryland at the hospital. Ryland had her tonsils removed this morning. She was so cute, I arrived just as they gave her the medicine to make her tired, but she told me they gave her a little bear and she named it Sparkles. She look so tiny in that big hospital bed as they wheeled her to surgery. When they took her to have surgery, Amy and I sat in the waiting room just talking and talking. I think I did most of the talking just to keep her mind from not worrying about little Ryland. The time flew by and pretty soon they said she was all done and in recovery. She was able to go up to her room and on the way up they gave her a popsicle...boy...she enjoyed that popsicle I will tell you. She could barely keep her eyes open but she wasn't letting go of that popsicle or her litte bear sparkles. She was such a trooper through the whole thing. Amy was too. ;-) I thought how cute this little girl was and how precious she acted all sedated and what a big girl she was at a mere 5 years old. It brought me back to a time when Heather was 7 and she had surgery on her ears and had to wear a cast around her ears for 6 weeks. How resilent children really are..it amazes me. To watch Amy with her little girl was so touching...they were going home and she had the bed all set up for Ryland to watch all the movies she wanted....they had a date with Mary Poppins. How sweet!! Amy even made her a little set of jingle bells so she didn't have to strain her voice if she needed anything. Now, that is a mothers love I tell ya!!

So pray for little Ryland as she heals from her surgery and pray for Amy as she takes care of her with 2 other children to care for as well.

I was honored to be able to be there for a friend and watching the two of them together blessed me beyond measure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this!!