Tammy's Creative Connection Blog

Here is a link to see my creative side. http://tammyscreativeconnection.blogspot.com/

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spelling of Your Life

This last Tuesday in my Women's Community Group we talked about what we are spelling with our lives. It is so interesting to see what others see in you that you don't see in yourself. When I think about what I want to spell with my life words like; loving, integrity, honest, friendly, devoted, genuine, faithful, inspiring, disciplined, grateful, positive, joyful, humorous, worshipper, lover of Jesus and many...many more. Now, these are the words I hope to spell with my life and leave a legacy of faith to my children and future generations.

On Tuesday we passed around dry erase boards and had the other ladies in the group write on the boards what each woman spells out with her life. These are just a few of the ladies thoughts on what they see in my life being spelled out.

Open and genuine has strong passion for others.
Kind words and always joyful
Great Leader, honest and encouraging
Great friend, you make me laugh and feel loved
God's love shines through you.
I love how you love God and love to serve Him.
You are crazy in love with God and it shows.

Do you believe you are spelling your life out to others? Do you know what you might be spelling out to those around you? When you are gone from this earth what will people remember about you? Ask a few friends to write down a few words that spell out your life...you may be suprised to see what others say.

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